Sunday, 1 November 2015

NDM: News values

Immediacy: NDM has made it quicker and easier to send the latest news stories via social media. By having NDM allows news to be more seamless and offers a wider variety of news stories and can also provide a new perspective to ongoing stories as well.

Familiarity: NDM hasn't had a serious effect on familiarity due to it relating to how the story relates to a country and the only thing that I can suggest is that it may have effected the amount of local stories out there in the UK due to the rise of citizen journalism.

Amplitude: NDM has allowed different news stories to get main stream attention and it's also assisted in making certain news stories more popular due to twitter which is biggest news site in the world.

Frequency: With NDM they can collect data on what stories they believe is popular and run with him leading to news companies posting news stories on what sells instead of what is most relevant.

Unambiguity: NDM has help a lot when it comes to unambiguity because NDM has allowed citizen journalism to rise in the news industry and citizen journalism has provided recently the latest footage when it comes to anything news worthy. The best example of this is the London Riots when a majority of footage was film first hand by citizens.

Predictability: This has had a serious effect on audiences. This is because of the effect of NDM with the amount of news that has become available for audiences to read. With Twitter their has been an increase in the horror stories I believe that audiences don't care about as much for horror stories anymore due to the amount of it they are reading. Which links with surprise because certain stories lose their strength due to amount of times it's reported for example plane crashes used to be headline news but now it's the run in the normal maybe a place on page 6.

Continuity: NDM has had a great effect on continuity because with ongoing stories because of citizen journalism it will have a positive effect on stories because they will provide evidence that can help stories as well as provide a unique perfective to a story as well.

Elite nations and people: NDM has had a massive effect on the elite people because with websites like Twitter, TMZ and Paris Hilton their are more and more websites that are trying to take the elite down a peg.

Negativity: Bad news hasn't changed Bad news is bad news it will always be news worthy even if with NDM their is an increase in the amount of it but it's still valuable depending on the country.

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